Monday, July 23, 2007

A Summer Thought

It is a great summer day! I LOVE THE HEAT! It is never too hot!
Here is a bit of a change for the next few weeks.
We will come back to "GOD on Mute" but I want to throw out a quote from Leonard Sweet’s book "The Gospel According to Starbucks."

The quote is:

“Our ‘God is a consuming fire,’ reads Hebrews 12:29. But our experience of fire can either be the warmth of hearth and home, or a raging inferno of destruction and death. The “consuming fire” of God can either be our heaven or our hell. When did God last consume you in comfort and warmth? When did God last consume you in destruction?” (p. 92)


Saturday, July 07, 2007

GOD on Mute Part 7

It is summer time as you all well know...I may not post as regular, but I will try to make it happen before every Sunday. Let’s continue looking at Grieg’s reasons for unanswered prayer, here are 5 more: But before we do….Here is a prayer of Surrender by George MacDonald.

Afresh I seek Thee, Lead me – once more I pray –
Even should it be against my will, Thy way.
Let me not feel Thee foreign any hour,
Or shrink from Thee as an estranged power.
Through doubt, through faith, through bliss, through stark dismay,
Through sunshine, wind, or snow, or fog, or shower,
Draw me to Thee who art my only day.

#11 Satanic Opposition
Some prayers aren’t answered because GOD’s will is being directly contested by the “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12). Perseverance, faith and aggressive use of the Word of God become vital in winning through.

#12 Faith
Some prayers aren’t answered because we just don’t believer they will be. However, faith grows as we get to know God.

#13 Perseverance
Some prayers just haven’t been answered - yet! Whether your prayers are being resisted by mysterious spiritual forces, by stubborn people of even by God Himself, don’t give up!

#14 Sin
Some prayers aren’t answered because of areas of disobedience in our lives. Are there hidden sins we need to confess or actions we need to take in order to lend power to our prayers?

Some prayers aren’t answered because of our disregard for the needs of others in our communities and in other nations too.

Thoughts about the prayer or the reasons?